112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

Ongoing projects

1. Action on Cybercrime for Cyber Resilience in the Eastern Partnership Region (CyberEast)

2.Promoting an Integrated Approach to End Violence against Women and Enhancing Gender Equality in Georgia

3.EU4 Security, Accountability and Fight against Crime in Georgia (SAFE) – Integrated Border Management” (SAFE IBM)

4.Border and Migration Management Action for Georgia (BMMAG)

5."STREAMinG - Strengthening Development Impact of Migration in Georgia"

6..Support to advancing technical capacities for ensuring human security (SATCEHS)

7.Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in Eastern Partnership Countries – Phase 3 (PPRD East 3)

8.Training and Operational Partnership against Organized Crime (TOPCOP)

9.Fighting Organized Crime in the Eastern Partnership Region

10.Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia

11.Community Policing Initiative in Minority Regions of Georgia (CPI)

12.Transfer of Lithuania knowledge and experience for climate change mitigation by integrating solar power technologies in Georgia

13.The Development Project of the Coast Guard Department

14.Capacity Building in Nuclear Forensics and Enhancement of Regional Cooperation between Armenian and Georgian Authorities

15.Interacting Network of Intelligence and Security PractitiOners with Industry and Academia Actors (NOTIONES)

16.Human Rights Compliant Policing in Georgia

17.Further strengthening of International Law Enforcement Coordination Units (ILECUs) Network in South-eastern Europe (SEE) and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries

18.Supporting Effective Enforcement of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

19.“Support to the Public Administration Reform in Georgia(PAR)”

20.Supporting Sustainable Community-oriented Policing in Georgia (GCSD)

21.Promoting the effective protection of equality and non-discrimination in Georgia

22.Ensuring child-friendly justice in Georgia: preventing and protecting children from violence, including in the digital environment

23.Supporting the Unified Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Strengthen its Organizational Capacity for Improved Public Service Delivery

24.Support in Establishment of Comprehensive Road Safety Database and Further Improvement of Road Safety Management in Gerogia

25.Training policemen in taking multi- aspect actions to improve road safety in Georgia Polish Aid

26.Intelligence – led policing (ILP) from Reactive to Proactive Policing

27.Consultancy Support to the Emergency Management Service (EMS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA) to develop a Communications and Outreach Strategy, and design and implement a nation-wide public awareness campaign

28.Supporting the Unified Service Center and Service Agency to Strengthen its Organizational Capacity for Improved Public Service Delivery – II Phase

29.UN Joint Programme- 3rd phase

30.Prometheus (Phase II)

31.The Roundtable of the Safety of Journalists

32. Strengthening of the Georgian Border Police capacities for green and sea border surveillance

33. Operation of the State Border Guard Liaison Officer Points in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus – 2 nd Phase