Domestic violence is one of the most severe and extensive form of abuse. It occurs across the world, in various countries and affects people of all economic statuses. Traditionally, domestic abuse has hidden and long-term character, Domestic violence takes place between family members when one family member or members resorts to violence against another family member/s. Often society associates domestic violence only with physical abuse between spouses or intimate partners but according to the legislation today, domestic violence has a much broader definition, including sexual, psychological and economic abuse as well as coercion.
In most cases, domestic violence causes serious emotional and physical health problems that can have fatal results.
Fight against domestic violence is the top priority for Georgian government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry actively cooperates with NGOs, international organizations and other institutions in order to combat domestic violence.
In 2006 the parliament of Georgia adopted the law on ”Elimination of Domestic Violence, Protection of and Support to Its Victims”. Deputy Minister represents Ministry of Internal Affairs at the Interagency Council for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, which develops and monitors the implementation of national Action Plan.
The conventions ratified by the Parliament of Georgia
The UN Convention on the "Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" ratified by #561 resolution of the parliament of Georgia on 22nd September of 1994,.
The State shelter
Shelter for the victims of domestic violence is provided by the state, where the victims are accommodated for up to 3 months. There are 3 different ways to determine the victim status:
For consultations and additional information you can contact hotline: 2 309 903
Criminalization of domestic violence
In May, 2012 amendments were made to the criminal code of Georgia, which criminalized Domestic Violence. The Article 111 defines a circle of family members and refers to the list of crimes throughout the code that if are committed between family members reference must be done to the mentioned Article 111. Article 1261 determines the criminal nature of domestic violence and establishes responsibility for committed acts.
Response to Domestic violence
Within the Ministry of Internal Affairs the Patrol Police Department and district police are actively involved in the fight against domestic violence. As soon as the fact of domestic violence is reported, patrol police crew is immediately dispatched to the location of the incident. . In areas where patrol police competence doesn’t extend the district police responds to the case. The officers are authorized to issue a restrictive order for the protection of the victim and to avoid repetition of the violence.
If the conditions of the restrictive order are violated, the responsibility is defined under the Article 1751of the Administrative Code and Article 3811 of the Criminal Code.
Fight against domestic violence is one of the most important modules of the Police Academy training program. The academy annually implements the basic training course on domestic violence which covers following topics:
- Legal guarantees for the protection of the rights and liberties of family members, physical and psychological integrity, the protection of family values, protective and restrictive order;
- The Types of domestic violence;
- Presumable( estimated) results of violence in a family;
- The deterrence, detection and prevention of domestic violence ;
- The protection of victims of domestic violence, assistance and rehabilitation.
In the training of law enforcement officers the Ministry actively cooperates with local non-governmental and international organizations. Moreover it participates in researches connected with domestic violence issues. As a result of such cooperation the supporting textbook on domestic violence for police officers and guidebook for the trainers were elaborated.
In this regard, the employees of the ministry of internal affairs regularly undergo retraining courses to raise the qualification.
If you are a victim of domestic violence or have relevant information, please contact us at the following number:

112 Emergency hotline 24/7
With the help of trained operators police will make timely and efficient response to incoming information.
The hotline for the consultation service is: +995 32 2 309 903