Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Shalva Khsishvili held meeting with representatives of the non-governmental organizations and media and acquaianted them with methodology of the MIA statistics.
As it was stated by the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs works on the project to create analysis-based police that will replace statistic-based police activities. Herewith, the agency will also further improve crime recording and processing system. He also pointed out that statistic data is being enlisted in the program by means of the latest programs, excluding the fact of forging statistic data. According to the Deputy Minister, beginning from the new year law enforcers will received tablets which will enable to register crime, right from the place of crime.
Shalva Khutsishvili stated at the meeting that creation of an interactive statistics and criminogenic map is on the agenda of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In connection with the mentioned new web-page will be launched which will enable citizens to receive information on the statistics of crime in real-time regime for all regions of the country.
In the unified electronic system for enlisting crime cases, GPS coordinates will also be included which will enable citizens to receive information regarding the crime.