Ministry of Internal Affairs would like to respond to the information disseminated in the mass media sources on the announced tender for the purchase of the food products for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Ministry would like to clarify that food products provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are aimed exclusively for strictly defined contingent. The total number of the contingent is approximately 5 thousand people on the daily basis.
For the MIA officers from the different units, in particular for Special Tasks Department, Department for the Protection of the Strategic Pipelines, Department for the Protection of the Objects, Logistics Department, Border Police and Central Criminal Police Department as well as for firemen and rescuers of Emergency Situations Management Agency, along with other food products, daily norm of the chocolate is defined to be 50-60 gr per person while in dry food ration the amount of chocolate is 100-200 gr. which is being regulated under the relevant order of the Minister.
The aforementioned structural units are supplied with approximately 300kg. of chocolate on the daily basis.
Ministry of Internal Affairs conducts the procurement of food products including chocolate for the various MIA structural units, since 2005. From 2016, under order N642 issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs, food products are purchased through the joint electronic tender which is available for the public and is completely transparent.
Ministry of Internal Affairs considers that negative reaction on including chocolate in the daily ration of our soldiers, border guards and rescuers is completely unacceptable, undermines their motivation and is aimed to deliberately discredit the Ministry of Internal Affairs.