Planed duration of the project: 30 months (March 2011 – August 2013)
Implementing partner: Council of Europe (Economic Crime Division, DGHL)
Funding: European Union
Budget: 724, 040 euro
Project area: Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus
Overall objective: The overall objective of the council of Europe Facility is to enhance the reform processes in the six partner countries through a multilateral approach and to bring them closer to Council of Europe and EU standards in core areas covered by the Eastern Partnership Platform 1
Specific objective: The specific objective of the present project is to strengthen the capacities of criminal justice authorities of Eastern Partnership countries to cooperate effectively against cybercrime in line with European and International instruments and practices.
Result 1: Eastern Partnership countries have defined strategic priorities regarding cybercrime and assessed measures taken
activates: to organize 3 regional conferences; to elaborate document (declaration or similar) on regional and domestic priorities regarding cybercrime; to prepare assessment reports on the effectiveness of measure and subsequent recommendations.
Result 2: Eastern Partnership countries are provided with the tools for action against cybercrime
activities: to organize 6 regional conferences; to prepare peer-to-peer assessment and advisory visits to each Eastern Partnership Countries;
Result 3: Eastern Partnership countries participate more actively in international cybercrime efforts
activities: Support the participation of Eastern Partnership countries in international activities against cybercrime (Octopus conferences, G8 training events for 24/7 points of contact, Internet Governance Forum and others)