At MIA Academy open day was arranged for those who are willing to become students and undergo MBA program. Guests were hosted by pro-rector of the Academy Sopio Kiladze, Head of the Law School of the Academy Paata Turava and other representatives of the Academy. They introduced "Police Regulation Law Program" to the students and reviewed importance and purposes of the program. After the presentation pro-rector of the academy and head of the law school provided comprehensive answers to the students’ questions.
Aim of the event was to raise interest among students towards the master’s program offered by the MIA Academy and to make the choice in favor of the Academy.
Master’s program lasts for two years which is comprised of 132 credits and was launched in 2014. The program is aimed at: sharing the knowledge accumulated in the law sphere, developing skills and boosting qualification necessary in the law sphere.
At the meeting it was outlined that after completion of "Police Regulation Law Program" students will be employed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the meeting students learned about three important components of the mentioned program: study process is free of charge, nutrition during the study process will be provided for students, students from regions will be accomodated at the academy dormitory.
After the meeting tour around the academy was arranged for students to visit gym, classes, library, mock jury court and port of entry. The candidates also attended the simulated detention operation process.