The Unit for Combat Narco-Transit of the Main Division for Combat Organized Crime, the Central Criminal Police Department of the MIA prevented the fact of illegal import of drugs in especially large quantity through the narco-transit route revealed by the Unit.
As a result of the operative-investigative measures, carried out by the mentioned Unit along with the employees of the Customs Department of the Revenue Service detained Delya Xiomara R. – citizen of the republic of Columbia, D.o.B.: 1971 and Prisila Silva L. – citizen of the Federation of Brazil, D.o.B.: 1983 in Tbilisi International Airport over the fact of illegal import of drugs in especially large quantity to Georgia.
The investigation established that the detainees imported to Georgia especially large quantity of cocaine from S�o Paulo through Dubai, by the flight Dubai-Tbilisi. Police seized 1kg and 0,75 gr liquid cocaine during personal search Delya Xiomara R. and 1kg and 220.37gr powder cocaine during personal search of Prisila Silva L.
Investigation is in progress on the fact of illegal import of drugs to Georgia (sub clause “a” of the 4th part of the article 262, Criminal Code of Georgia).