112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency


Project duration: 42 Months; 2013-2017

Financed by: European Union

Implementing Partners: International Centre for Migration Policy Development

Project budget: 4.8 MEUR

The main goal: To strengthen the migration governance framework in line with the VLAP

The main objectives:

  • to improve legal and institutional framework for managing legal migration and migrants’ fundamental human rights protection system;
  • to strengthen the capacity of the authorities for analyzing the inter-linkages between migration and key development sectors;
  • to further build capacities to define appropriate and evidence-based response strategies for migration management;
  • to improve mechanisms for collecting and managing migration data on all migration aspects

The main activities:

  • Component A : Georgian-EU cooperation platform/Steering Group meetings; kick-off conference at the end of inception phase; migration conference on migration management and implementation of VLAP in Georgia and other countries; mid-term review conference organized by ICMPD in close cooperation with IOM; project final conference at the end of implementation organized by ISMPD and IOM
  • Component B: Reviews of legal acts and inter-institutional cooperation mechanisms, recommendations for improvement; workshops, training activities and internships; strengthening analytical capacities of SCMI, establishment of the analytical unit in SCMI; developing of first migration textbook for Georgia; analysis of migration impact on development; support in the Migration Strategy 2016-2020 development;
  • Component C: Analyze the current situation on the existing migration databases, define the needs and options for the establishment of Foreigners’ register in Georgia and support the development of corresponding information system software.