Minister of Internal Affairs Giorgi Mgebrishvili held meeting at filed operations center in Kakheti. Minister got familiarized with the detailed information on the firefighting activities held in the regions of the country.
Giorgi Mgebrishvili discussed the action plan for extinguishing each, existing fire pocket and gave out new instructions to the leadership of the relevant MIA units in order to liquidate fire in the shortest period of time.
At this moment, fire in Shilda forest, Kvareli municipality is liquidated. For the fire prevention reasons, a number of teams of firefighters remain on the place. Firefighters will continue monitoring the area in round-the-clock regime.
In the forest located near to Khakhabo village, Tusheti, the fire pockets have been localized. At this moment there is no need to involve helicopters in the fire-extinguishing works. Live force remains at the place and continues activities with alternative fire-extinguishing appliances and water. Fire fighters are supplied with water from the special reservoirs.
Near to Artana village, works to localize fire are actively held at the moment. Live force along with aviation is involved in the process.
In Khulo municipality, on the slope of Shavnabada mountain, up to 400 employees off the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in activities for the fire localization. According to the decision of the Minister of Internal Affairs, helicopter was involved in the activities for quick localization of the fire.