According to the report, GRETA positively assesses the increase in number of special mobile groups operating in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia for the purpose of the proactive detection of THB cases, who regularly monitor the places where there is a risk of THB cases.
The report underlines that victim and witness co-ordinators were set up under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and that the service was enlarged in 2020 and by the end of September, 15 victim and witness co-ordinators were employed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Victim and witness co-ordinators prioritize their work with victims and witnesses of human trafficking, provide them with emotional support during the proceedings, as well as ensure their maximum awareness about services available in the country.
The report also highlights that a special unit - Human Rights and Investigation Quality Monitoring Department - is functioning within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has been given the task of overseeing the investigation of certain crimes, including human trafficking.
The report stresses the importance of international cooperation and the role of police attaches. Namely, according to the report, Georgia concluded international agreements/memoranda of understanding on co-operation in the field of combating crime and police co-operation with 33 countries and deployed 16 police attaches, who promote the exchange of information and good practices, including in the field of identification and investigation of THB cases.
GRETA also commends the adoption of the Law on Labour Safety, the increase in number of labour inspectors for the purpose of exposing forced labour and labour exploitation, as well as the development of cooperation between the labour inspectors and the mobile groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.