The officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a result of investigative activities conducted on the basis of operative information, based on the decision of the court detained I.K (date of birth: 1967) and P.I – the citizen of Turkey (date of birth: 1964) in Tbilisi for providing lodging to prostitution.
The investigation established that in Tbilisi, in one of the hotel-type facility P.I – its owner and the administrator and I.K - the barman systematically gave in lease the rooms for prostitution in exchange for money. The detainees have pleaded guilty.
One more individual has been arrested in Tbilisi under the same accusation. The investigation established that an administrator of one of the saloon of Chinese massage – Z.K (date of birth: 1967) the citizen of the People’s Republic of China provided the certain individuals with lodging for prostitution for certain period of time in exchange of money. The law enforcers interrogated the individuals working in the salon.
In addition, 6 individuals, including 2 citizens of the republic of Turkey have been revealed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the facts of providing the lodging for prostitution in Gonio and Kobuleti.
The investigation established that the mentioned individual provided lodging for prostitution to civilians for certain amount of money in the hotels owned or temporarily used by them.
The investigation is in progress on the fact of providing lodging to prostitution under the article 254 of the Criminal Code of Georgia. The article envisages the fine or the term of imprisonment from 2 to 4 years.