Within the frames of the traffic safety campaign a number of amendments will be defined for the Administrative Offences Code.
New regulations will be defined in the Administrative Offences Code for crossing the solid line and movement to the opposite direction. The fine will be defined in the amount of 300 GEL.
Administrative responsibility will also become strict for violating regulations, defined for drivers in relation to pedestrians. In case of the first violation the fine will amount to 40 GEL, for the same, repeated violation the fine will be increased up to 150 GEL.
Administrative responsibility will also be increased from 200 to 300 GEL for a driver who will exceed the speed limit during the regular transfer of the passenger on a long distance internationally of from town to town.
For using mobile communications while driving a vehicle, the fine will be defined in the amount of 30 GEL instead of 10.
No other changes in terms of increasing the amount of fines will be implemented within the Code of Administrative Offences. Fines that envisaged suspension of the driver’s license for violating particular rules has changed and driver will be imposed fine instead. The mentioned change was prompted by launching the scoring system.