112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

International Cooperation against Cybercrime

In 2012, Georgia ratified 2001 Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Cybercrime. Within the framework of the Convention, member states should establish Special Units that would investigate cybercrime cases and also attain functions of 24/7 international contact point. Currently, Special Cybercrime Unit exists in MIA Central Criminal Police Department that carries out the functions provided by the Convention.

Ministry of Internal Affairs has made some important steps in the process of building its capacities for combatting cybercrime. During 2008-2009 Ministry was involved in Council of Europe and European Commission’s Joint Project on Cybercrime that aimed to harmonize Georgian legislation with Cybercrime Convention. Within the framework of the project, important amendments were incorporated in Georgian Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, law “On Operative-Searching Activities” and law “On Electronic Communications”

Since March 2011, Ministry of Internal Affairs is actively involved in Council of Europe’s new project for the Eastern Partnership countries - “Cooperation against Cybercrime”. The main objective of the present project is to strengthen the capacities of criminal justice authorities of Georgia for effective cooperation against cybercrime.

From 2012 Bilateral Project between Georgia and Estonia is implemented. The main goal of the project is to increase capacities of Georgian MIA operative units in the process of combatting cybercrime and seizure of digital evidences.

Besides European partners, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia actively cooperates with US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) while handling cybercrime cases.