112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency


Since June 1st, 2009, European Council and European Commission with the cooperation with Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Justice are carrying out project about cybercrime. Main goal of this project is to support the implementation of the Convention of the European Council. The Duration of the project is 12 months and will be finished by 31st of May, 2010.
Main objectives of the program are:
• harmonization of Georgian legislation about cybercrime with the Cybercrime convention;
• introduction of the training program and conducting trainings for the law enforcement authorities, prosecutors and judges on the topic of investigation and persecution of cybercrime;
• creation of the structural entities in the appropriate agencies for fight against cybercrime;
In the frames of the project there was a working group meeting in Tbilisi, where was discussed the existing legal framework on cybercrime, necessary reforms to be adopted for the implementation of Cybercrime convention.
In September was organized the second meeting of the working group, where was discussed the topic of creating special entity for fight against cybercrime. At this stage it is decided to create the unit at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will work on the issue.