112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency


Project Title: Afghan Opiate Trade Project (AOTP)

Duration: 2008- 2015

Executing agency: UNODC, Threat and Risk Analysis Programme

Total Budget: $4,715,354

Brief Description: The project seeks to analyse situation on combating drug trafficking in GUAM Member countries and to study international routes of providing Afghan opiates.

Objectives: The project aims at addressing the need for systematic, comprehensive and consolidated analytical information about the illicit opiate trade, its linkages with other socioeconomic and security dimensions, the threats and risks it creates and options for strengthening the international response. The programme’s primary objective can be subdivided into three thematic objectives:

  1. Threat and Risk Analysis - To assess the nature and trends of global opiate trafficking including opiate and precursor flows, routes, volumes. This analysis is the core of the program and collaboration between the work in the field and at headquarters will be maintained and joint work undertaken where possible. This project will also assess and analyse the Afghan opiate trade’s impact and risk to public security, governance and public health
  2. Response analysis - The second objective will assess and analyse existing international responses and policies to help contain and eventually reduce the global flow of opiates. In doing so, international policies can be better coordinated and made more efficient.
  3. Capacity Building - The third objective is improving local capacity, which includes supporting and assisting relevant government ministries with drug control responsibilities in developing data collection, research and monitoring capacities. These activities will be synergistic to UNODC Programs established in each country/region concerned.