112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

Eastern Partnership – Good Governance And The Fight Against Corruption

Planned duration: 30 months (March 2011-September 2013)

Implementing partners: Council of Europe-DGHL (Directorate of Cooperation/Economic Crime Division)

Funding: European Union (ENPI)

Budget: EURO 1,126.365

Overall objective: To enhance the reform processes in the six partner countries through a multilateral approach and to bring them closer to Council of Europe and EU standards in core areas covered by the Eastern Partnership Platform 1.

Specific project objective: To enhance good governance and strengthen the capacities of the public administration and criminal justice sectors in the Eastern Partnership countries in order to effectively prevent and fight corruption in line with European and international standards and practices.

Result 1 - Eastern Partnership countries have defined and are able to apply policy and prevention measures concerning enhancement of good governance and the fight against corruption

activities: Regional Workshop I: Analysis and Typologies of structures and procedures concerning good governance policy design; Regional (Start-Up) Conference I: Strategic policies and measures concerning good governance policy design; Regional Workshop II: Analysis and Typologies of mechanisms to implement and monitor corruption, including Education and Public Awareness; Regional Workshop III: Analysis and Typologies of causes of corruption; Regional Conference II: Introduction of Risk Assessment Methodologies in identifying the underlining causes of corruption

Result 2 - Eastern Partnership countries are provided with the tools for effective law enforcement and implementation of legal frameworks when fighting economic crime

activities: Regional Workshop IV: Analysis and Typologies on laundering the proceeds of corruption in transition economies; Regional Conference III: Laundering the proceeds of corruption in transition economies; Regional Specialised Training I: Implementing standards concerning Detection, Investigation and Criminalisation of Economic and Financial Crimes; Regional Specialised Training II: Implementing standards concerning criminal and civil liability for Legal Persons; Regional Specialised Training III: Political Party and Electoral Campaign Financing

Result 3 - Pilot: Eastern Partnership countries efficiently apply and implement European and international standards on good governance and the fight against corruption

activities: Support through specific country needs (Pilot Countries) specific reforms/needs concerning legal drafting, policy design and specialised training for each country in accordance to their specific needs and reform priorities (those activities which will derive from 3.1 - 3.6 are subject to confirmation through inception phase); Regional (Closing ) Conference IV: Share of Pilot Countries Specific on-going Reforms and Good Practices during the implementation of the Project

Proposed counterparts/Beneficiaries

The main proposed beneficiaries and stakeholders for the implantation aspects of this project /programme component would be required to be confirmed by each partner country through the relevance of the action. However, the expected and proposed beneficiary and counterparts are:

  • Governmental bodies at all levels, notably specialised structures within the Ministries of Justice, Interior, and Finance;
  • Relevant and specialised structures at the Ministries responsible for public administration and civil service management;
  • Specialised agencies/bureaux/commissions involved in the prevention and fight against corruption and economic crime (i.e., Anti-corruption Agency);
  • Financial investigation units (FIUs);
  • Judiciary and Prosecutorial Services, supervisory bodies (i.e., Judicial Council/Prosecutors Council); and
  • Civil Society.