112გადაუდებელი დახმარების ერთიანი ნომერი

126გენერალური ინსპექცია

2 41 42 42საპატრულო პოლიციის ერთიანი მომსახურების ცენტრი

12 72
2 41 91 91მომსახურების სააგენტო

Child Protection In Georgia From Ill-Treatment And Disparagement (GE)

General objectives of the project are the establishment of effective system on protection of children from disparaging treatment, indifference and exploitation and making certain contribution within the framework of ongoing reform for the welfare of children.
Certain principles were introduced within the project, which later was reflected upon the curriculum and trainings of MIA academy. Patrol and district police officers were trained in the framework of the project during which were discussed the following topics: the forms of violence and the signs for their disclosure, the role of police, peculiarities of interview/questioning in cases of violence, etc.
The timeline of the project is 2009-2012.
The agencies involved
• ECPAT - International Organization on Protection of Children;
• Public Health and Medicine Development Fund of Georgia;
• MIA Academy