The International Scientific Council of the MIA Archive
The head of the MIA Archive consults with the Scientific Council. The functions of the Scientific Council are as follows:
- Recommendations on long range planning and development of the Archives;
- Popularization of the MIA Archive among the scientific circles;
- Consultations on issuing the journal Archival Bulletin;
- Assistance in raising the professional level of the archival staff;
- The Council should support scientific cooperation between Georgian and international scientists.
The MIA Archive regularly provides the Scientific Council with the information and assists its members with their scientific-
research activities. The Archive invites the members of the Scientific Council to the events that are organized by the Archive.
The Scientific Council consists of authoritative scientists from leading universities and the experts in the archival activities
around the world.
Current members of the Scientific Councils are:
1. Thomas Blanton - Director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University (USA)
2. Ronald Grigor Suny - Professor at the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago (USA)
3. Marc Junge - Assistant Professor at the Ruhr University (Germany)
4. Erik Scott - Assistant professor at the University of Kansas (US)
5. Jeffrey Rossman - Professor at the University of Virginia, director of the Center for Russian, East European and
Eurasian Studies (US)
6. Timothy Blauvelt - Director of American Council for International Education (US, Georgia)
7. Oliver Reisner - Representative of European Union delegation to Georgia (Georgia)
8. Georgij Mamulija - Doctor of the High School for Social Studies (France)
9. Arsenij Roginskij - Chairman of the Memorial Society (Russia)
10. Jeremy Smith - Professor at the Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland (Finland)