112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

General Policy and Legislation on Cybercrime

The main international document regulating cybercrime issues is 2001 Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime that was ratified by Georgia in 2012. This document specifies crimes committed in cyberspace that should entail criminal responsibility in member states as well. At the same time, Convention obliges its members to establish Special Cybercrime Units that should also attain functions of 24/7 international contact point.

In Georgia cybercrime issues are regulated by XXXV Chapter of the Criminal Code according which criminal responsibility is established for committing following illegal actions in cyberspace: Illegal Interception of Computer System (Art. 284), Misuse of Computer Data or Computer System (Art. 285), Computer System or Data Interference (Art. 286). In addition, Georgian Criminal Code envisages criminal responsibility for Ensuring Availability of Child Pornography in any form (including online) (CCG Art. 255-2), Infringing of Copyright or Related Rights (Art. 189) and Cyber Terrorism (Art. 3241).

Furthermore, in 2012, Georgian Parliament adopted the law “On Informational Security” that established basic informational security standards for public and private sector. Based on this document, President of Georgia issued an order that specifies Subjects of Critical Informational Infrastructure that has the crucial importance for normal functioning of the State.

In May 2013 Georgian President also approved Cyber Security Strategy for 2013-2015 that is the main document defining key trends in this field. Strategy has its action plan that provides future actions and responsible state bodies for their implementation.