Officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained 8 people for attempting to block a strategic or special importance facility. The following persons were detained: I.Ts. (DoB 1991), I.T. (DoB 1982) N.K. (DoB 2004), V.E. (DoB 1992), N.Q. (DoB 1978), A.G. (DoB 1994), D.B. (DoB 1992), and G.U. (DoB 1975).
The committed crime envisions up to 4 years in prison.
The investigation established that the defendants, during a rally held on the territory of Agmashenebeli Alley in Tbilisi on February 2 of the current year, despite repeated calls from law enforcement officers, they illegally attempted to block a highway of international importance in group.
It is notable that according to the Resolution No. 361 of the Government of Georgia of October 23, 2024 “On Approval of the List of Objects of Strategic and/or Special Importance”, highways of international importance are objects of strategic and/or special importance.
Herewith, according to Resolution No. 407 adopted by the Government of Georgia on June 18, 2014, Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze highway is included in the list of roads of international importance, and the mentioned section fully includes Agmashenebeli Alley.
As is known to the public, the participants of the rally started gathering in the afternoon of February 2 of the current year and later moved towards the exit from Tbilisi. In order to maintain public safety and order, employees of various units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were present at the gathering places, who were in constant communication with the organizers and members of the rally.
Despite the warning statements issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and numerous calls made by law enforcement officers on the spot for the participants of the rally not to block the international highway, shortly after the start of the rally, some of the participants did not obey the lawful request of the police, moved onto the carriageway and attempted to block the highway.
8 persons have been detained for committing a crime under Article 19-222 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which refers to an attempt to block a strategic or special-importance object committed in group.
Criminal investigation is ongoing to identify and bring other individuals involved in the roadblock to criminal justice.