112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

Cooperation Forms and Means

Cooperation among the GUAM member states is to be expanded continuously. The CUAM Virtual Center facilitates distribution of information among the member states via protected means and analysis of such information in connection with violation of law on the GUAM scale.

The objective of the Virtual Center service is to satisfy the user needs of the law enforcement center and appropriate response to the threats affecting on the region. The GUAM assumes its role as a center in order to participate in exchange information on an international scale. Motive force of the GUAM Virtual Center is establishment of the regional association which aims to facilitate cooperation among the member states and integration to other international structures.

The main aspect of the law enforcement activities is free tactical and strategic information flow among all the parties, involved in the process. The VLEC is designed for effective communication, coordination and cooperation among the main members (those who possess information) in the region.

The Virtual Center supports information programs, which reflect assessment of the operative situation in the region. The Center is in charge of joint programs in the law enforcement field using capabilities and competences of each member state. The Virtual Center uses modern information technologies for data exchange, provides automated analysis of information and creation-update of the information base.

The Virtual Center render assistance to the law enforcement agencies and their officers in timely analysis and secure distribution of information, implementation of intelligence activities, risk assessment and other subjects of interest of the GUAM member states by following trends:

  • Operative information exchange in conditions of real time;
  • Conduct of joint regional operations with using operative data exchange in automated mode;
  • Creation of the joint investigation group, whose objective is transnational criminal networks;
  • Information analysis related to the law enforcement sphere and conduct of adequate assessment of the expected threats;
  • Creation of the united data bank which aims to expand national analytical capabilities;
  • Creation of technical and telecommunication infrastructure of the Virtual Center on the base of the GUAM Interstate Information Management System.