At “Sheraton Metechi Palace” hotel, under the organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the summarizing meeting was held, dedicated to the completion of the first stage of “PPRD East” program that lasted for four years. Partner of the program is Emergency Management Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The project is implemented by the invited experts who acquainted guests with summarizing report on activities held within PPRD East program in countries of east Europe and other states as well.
Emergency Management Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is actively involved in the project which is aimed at risk reduction, raising awareness among society on catastrophes and other activities in this direction.
At the first stage of the program, in order to strengthen civil society, trainings were held for emergency services in Eastern Europe countries. Within the frames of the project electronic atlas was elaborated for the East Partnership countries. Organizers of the project have studied legislation in emergency sphere in all of the east partnership countries and institutional structure after which relevant recommendations were drafted, taking into consideration the received experience and European standards. In order to raise the awareness in security sphere special booklets, guide books and videos were prepared as well as co-operation scheme for refining relations between representatives of media and public affairs institutions.
Presentation was attended by representatives of MIA Emergency Management Department, as well as officials from other ministries, EU delegation, international and non-governmental organizations. By the end of the meeting guests were handed over guiding books on emergency situations.