The officers of District Inspectors Division and Detectives division of Ajara Main Division and Batumi Main Police Division as a result of investigative and searching activities simultaneously held on the basis of operative information detained Gocha K. (1990) in Batumi for illegal purchase and keeping of firearms, while Murman V. (Dob 1988) and convicted in past Irakli K. (DoB 1984) in Kobuleti for illegal purchase, keeping and carrying of firearms and ammunitions.
The law enforcers detained Irakli K. and Murman V. on the Batumi-Kobuleti highway . During the searching activities held in the car police officers seized “Nagan” type pistol, 7 bullets, hand-made pistol with 1 cartridge and 1 bullet, while during the searching activities held in the Gocha K’s house police seized revolver and 5 bullets. Results of expertise revealed that all of the seized firearms and ammunitions are usable. Drug test revealed that Irakli K. was under the influence of Marijuana.
Investigation is in progress on the fact of illegal purchase, keeping and carrying of firearms and ammunitions, article 236, I and II parts of the Criminal Code.