The employees of the main division for the fight against organized crime under the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of operative-search measures and investigative actions conducted together with the General Prosecutor's Office, arrested 3 people convicted of various serious crimes in past on the fact of appealing to the "thief in law" and supporting the activities of the "thief world”. 1 person was charged in absentia on the basis of the relevant court decision.
Born in 1989, Z.B. (nickname "Zakuna") was arrested on the charge of appealing to a "thief in law", and L.B., born in 1981. (nicknamed "Hammer") and D.G., born in 1995 were arrested for supporting the activities of the "Thieves' World".
As for D.T., born in 1979, convicted in the past (nickname "Tysona"), was charged in absentia on the fact of applying to "thief in law".
Crimes are punishable by 6 to 15 years of imprisonment.
The investigation established that dispute arose between D.T. and Z.B. on the basis of non-fulfillment of financial obligations, due to which D.T. physically assaulted Z.B. He turned to the "legal thief" - Mikheil Chafichadze (nickname "Machvichi"), according to whose decision, Z. B., L. B., D. G. and their accompanying persons physically assaulted D. T. in response.
In order to resolve the conflict between the disputing parties according to the "thief laws", the "thief in law" abroad - Jeyran Kintsurashvili organized a "thief trial" in the Republic of Turkey and decided to reconcile the parties.
As a result of the investigation, including the secret investigative actions carried out on the basis of the judge's ruling, it was established that the persons arrested on charges of connection with the "thieves' world" and charged with the fact of appealing to the "thief in law" actively participated in the implementation of the activities of the "thieves' world", personal conflicts or financial disputes with the "thief rules" by contacting criminal authorities for a solution. They also received instructions from Georgian "thieves in law" abroad.
As a result of the search, the police seized as evidence the computer equipment and mobile phones of the accused, through which they communicated with each other.
The investigation into the facts of the appeal to the "thief in law" and the support of the activities of the "thieves' world" is being conducted under the 2nd part of the third prima article 223 and the 1st part of the 223rd 4th prima article of the Criminal Code of Georgia.