Under the initiative of “Center for Civic Engagement” Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Archil Talakvadze met civil society in Kutaisi within the frames of “Safe City” project. At the meeting Deputy Minister discussed activities held by MIA in the field of crime prevention, law supremacy, protection of human rights, and fight against crime. Archil Talakvadze also discussed ongoing and scheduled reforms of the Ministry and provided comprehensive answers to all questions of the public.
Aim of the project is to provide population of regions with more information regarding activities of the Ministry, importance of crime prevention and to discuss the existing challenges on the regional level. Project is also aimed at identification of issues which are topical for the population and making response on the recent problems. Project “Safe City” will help to raise awareness of police activities in regions and on the other hand, will enable the Ministry to receive information and make response on the existing problems in the province.
Beginning from February till May, under the organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and with the support of USAID Centers of Civic Engagement, thematic meetings will be held in various cities of the country with the local civil sector within the frames of “Safe City” project. Meetings will be held with participation of the Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, high officials from MIA Administration and heads of other Departments of the agency, as well as youth and representatives of the local non-governmental organizations, pubic groups, and civil sector, representatives of other segments.