Representatives of “112” Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia participated in annual conference of “European Emergency Number Association” (EENA). Within the frames of conference Georgian “112” was presented in the event as the speaker country.
At the annual conference Georgian delegation presented – “Contemporary Design of Operative Command Center”. By means of the mentioned presentation conference participants received information on work specifics of Georgian “112”, structure of the call center, tools for effective operation and “ERC” program.
By the end of the conference the ceremony was held where various country representatives were awarded with special prizes for active participation in the sphere of improving 112 services.
Conference is aimed at sharing experience and practice as well as specifics in the process of operation, system structure and other important issues. It is also notable that Georgian side was involved in the conference and received experience that will help Georgian “112” to provide citizens with effective and quality service.
“European Emergency Number Association” (EENA) is an international organization, founded in Brussels, in 1999. Aim of the association is the implementation of the unified emergency number, “112” on the territory of Europe and contribution to the effective operation of the emergency services. Georgian “112” became the member of “EENA” on September 3 of 2013.