112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

Strategic Goals of Cooperation of VLEC

The GUAM Virtual Center for combating terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other serious crimes is an international association of the law enforcement agencies of the GUAM member states, which was formed in accordance with the Agreement on Establishment of the GUAM Virtual Center and the Statute of the GUAM Virtual Center, signed in Yalta on July 4, 2003, and operates on the basis of using the GUAM Interstate Information management System (IIMS).

The Virtual center serves for providing communications, analysis and information exchange in conditions of real time and for facilitating cooperation in carrying out joint operations and coordination of the investigations of the most serious crimes.

In accordance with the overall goals of the GUAM projects, the Virtual Center will contribute to regional stability and economic development and pursues the strategic goals of cooperation, announced by the GUAM Yalta Charter in 2001.

Development Strategy of the GUAM Virtual Center are for intergovernmental and international usage, including: goals of cooperation; description of those means which ensures implementation of the goals of the Virtual Center; mechanism of implementation of the goals of the Virtual Center; guidelines for the National Interagency Groups of the GUAM member states, regarding to their operative obligations and strategic goals.