112გადაუდებელი დახმარების ერთიანი ნომერი

126გენერალური ინსპექცია

2 41 42 42საპატრულო პოლიციის ერთიანი მომსახურების ცენტრი

12 72
2 41 91 91მომსახურების სააგენტო

Plan (GE)

1. Combating illegal migration and trafficking







Organization and implementation of the joint operation "Arrest - 2012" combating trafficking and illegal migration

National inter-agency group of Moldova, national inter-agency groups of GUAM member states

Before the next session of the GUAM working subgroup combating trafficking and illegal migration


Examination and exchange of information concerning the persons involved in trafficking, persons involved in illegal migration, vehicles and economic agents. Exchange of information on activities carried out by GUAM member states in the field of fight against trafficking and illegal migration.

National inter-agency groups of GUAM member states

In the course of year


Training within the framework of the GUAM - USA program in the field of combat trafficking and illegal migration entitled: "Organization of trainings and workshops in the field of trafficking and illegal migration for the employees of the law enforcement agencies of GUAM member states".

GUAM virtual center, National inter-agency groups of GUAM member states, ICITAP office

In the course of year


Participation in the activities of fight against trafficking and illegal migration carried out by other international organizations.

GUAM secretariat, delegations of GUAM member states

In the course of year

2. Fight against illegal circulation of drugs


Organization and implementation of the joint operation "Narcostop-2012" combating trafficking and illegal migration

National inter-agency group of Azerbaijan, national inter-agency groups of the GUAM member states

III quarter


Examination and exchange of information concerning the persons involved in illegal dissemination of drugs, vehicles and economic agents. Exchange of information on activities carried out by the GUAM member states in the field of fight against illegal dissemination of drugs.

National inter-agency groups of the GUAM member states

In the course of year


Within the framework of the GUAM - USA program organization of trainings and workshops in the field of fight against illegal dissemination of drugs for the employees of the law enforcement agencies of the GUAM member states.

GUAM law enforcement centers/national inter-agency groups, ICITAP project office

In the course of year


Participation in the activities of fight against illegal circulation of drugs carried out by other international organizations.

GUAM secretariat, delegations of the GUAM member states

In the course of year

3. Fight against terrorism


Participation of GUAM member states law enforcement agencies oriented on analysis of terrorism and relevant information in joint trainings

National inter-agency groups of the GUAM member states

In the course of year


Exchange of information between the GUAM member states in the sphere of monitoring terrorism and risk factor analysis in the region

National inter-agency groups of the GUAM member states

In the course of year


Participation in the sessions of EU experts' committee (CODEXTER) on the issues of terrorism

GUAM secretariat, delegations of the GUAM member states in (CODEXTER)

In the course of year


Participation in the activities of fight against terrorism carried out by other international organizations.

a) UN workshop on international cooperation on criminal cases connected with terrorism

GUAM secretariat, delegations of the GUAM member states

GUAM secretariat, delegations of the GUAM member states

In the course of year



Implementation of the GUAM-USA frame program "Fight against terrorism"

GUAM law enforcement centers/national inter-agency groups

In the course of year

4. Fight against corruption and money laundering


Implementation of the GUAM-USA frame program "Fight against corruption and money laundering"

GUAM law enforcement centers/national inter-agency groups

In the course of year


Realization of the Joint projects

National inter-agency groups of the GUAM member states

In the course of year

7. Application of information technologies and development of information exchange process


Realization of the additional protocol signed in Helsinki on December 4, 2008 to the Agreement on cooperation in the field of fight against terrorism, organized crime, illegal circulation of drugs and other dangerous crimes signed between the government of the GUAM member states on July 20, 2002

Ukraine/ GUAM member states

I - II quarter


Meeting of experts of the GUAM member states for providing means necessary for cryptographic security of information

GUAM member states/GUAM secretariat

I quarter

Ukraine, GUAM secretariat


Providing of means of cryptographic security of information for the GUAM member states

Providing company, Guam secretariat, GUAM member states

II quarter


Realization of the second stage of the GUAM - USA frame project "Modernization of the national segments of the international information-analytical system" (In the part of purchase of technique for the information-analytical centers of GUAM member states)

GUAM Law Enforcement Centers/National information-analytical centers, ICITAP project office

I quarter

8. Organizational activities


Organization of not less than 2 meetings of the working group

Georgia/GUAM member states

In the course of year


Meeting of the working subgroup combating illegal circulation of drugs

Coordinator country of the working subgroup/GUAM member states

Baku, in the course of year


Meeting of the working subgroup combating trafficking and illegal migration

Coordinator country of the working subgroup/GUAM member states

In the course of year


Meeting of the working subgroup combating terrorism

Coordinator country of the working subgroup/GUAM member states

Baku, in the course of year


Meeting of the working subgroup combating corruption and money laundering

Coordinator country of the working subgroup/GUAM member states

In the course of year


Organization of the meeting of the authorized coordinators of the national inter-agency groups

National inter-agency group of Georgia/National inter-agency groups of GUAM member states

Once in a quarter