112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

Head of Administration Department

Functions of the Head of Administration
Head of Administration:

Manages the activities of Administration and regulates the issues within the competence of Administration;

- Submits to the Minister for approval the structure of Administration, staff list and the rules of distribution of the rights and obligations of the employees of Administration and assignments of its structural units;
- Assumes responsibility for observation of the Constitution of Georgia and legislation in the spheres assigned to the competence of Administration;
- Approves the working plan of Administration;
- Submits to the officials of the Ministry the proposals on the issues assigned to the competence of Administration;

In compliance with the Decree of the Minister coordinates and controls fulfillment of the Minister`s Decrees and tasks by the officials of the Ministry as well as the activities of the structural units of Administration;


Fulfills other powers in compliance with Georgian legislation.