112გადაუდებელი დახმარების ერთიანი ნომერი

126გენერალური ინსპექცია

2 41 42 42საპატრულო პოლიციის ერთიანი მომსახურების ცენტრი

12 72
2 41 91 91მომსახურების სააგენტო

Protection Of The Rights Of Children - Victims Of Trafficking In Human Beings (GE)

On August 7, 2009 memorandum of mutual cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and international organization - World Vision International in compliance with 10.1 activity, 10th objective, 3rd task, of the 2009-2010 action plan on the fight against trafficking in human beings. The memorandum reached an agreement to cooperate within the project - 'Protection of the Rights of Children - Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Georgia'. The objective of the project is to help the Government of Georgia tackle more effectively children trafficking. In relation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the project is aimed at training the employees of the Division on the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings and Irregular Migration of Special Operational Department on the issues of children trafficking. Trainings will be delivered by a foreign expert who will be developing modalities with national expert so that to consider local expertise and reality. Training materials and methodology will be completely handed over to the Special Operational Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia after training has been conducted which will be used locally for retraining of new employees. On September 7-10, 2009 the first four-day long training was held with 14 employees of the Division on the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings and Irregular Migration of Special Operational Department attending the course.