112გადაუდებელი დახმარების ერთიანი ნომერი

126გენერალური ინსპექცია

2 41 42 42საპატრულო პოლიციის ერთიანი მომსახურების ცენტრი

12 72
2 41 91 91მომსახურების სააგენტო

Facilitation Of The Law Of Georgia `On Prevention Of Domestic Violence And Protection Of Victims Of Domestic Violence (GE)

The project organized by NGO, centre for Protection of Constitutional Rights`, Georgian Young Lawyers Association and UNHCR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia was implemented in 2008.
Police officers from Akhmeta, Duisi, and Pankisi region - area densely inhabited by Chechen refugees - were trained within the project. Altogether, 50 police officers were trained.
Objective of the training was better understanding of Georgia's law on `Prevention of Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence`, acquiring peculiar skills in issuing of restrictive order and etc.